Tienda De Segunda Mano
Oak Chest €120Chest of drawers €65.00Oak side table / wine rack €90.00Bookcase €85OAK TV UNIT/ 130 EurosSIDE BOARD / 325 EurosAntique dressing table mirror €35KITCHEN WALL UNIT/ 180 EurosVINTAGE PIANO STOOL/45 EurosSolid wood mason's chair €140FLORAL SOFA/175 EurosSide unit /40EurosRocking chairs x 24 x Bali chairs €320DRESSER/225 Euros2 FLORAL ARMCHAIRS /150 EurosSOFA/175 EurosMirror €50Chair €653 + 2 cream leather sofa €225RACK / 15 EurosChair €60VIKING CHAIRS/180 EurosAntique firescreen €40side table €195blue dresser/125€Red leather sofa/750 EurosOffice chair/95 Euros
half barrel coffee table €175set of 4 fabric bar style chairs - €70€15  Wooden cd rackMirror €502 X Antique red chairs €120CABINET / 50 Euros3 SEATER SOFA & 2 ARM CHAIRS/ 375 EurosGREEN LEATHER SOFA/175 EurosCREAM ARMCHAIR/40 EurosAntique high chair €70Modern table & 6 chairs 576 EurosOak side table with drawer €85cream sofa set/475€
2 X CANE CHAIRS €60Coffee table wood / glass €50Corner shelf €50
Large sofa/275€Vintage cabinet/85€6 chairsTable and 4 ChairsSwivel chairwine cupboard €100SIDEBOARD / 275 EurosMIRROR/ 45 EurosVICTORIAN BUTLERS TRAY AND STAND / 75 Euros7 DRAWER AND MIRROR / 150 EurosANTIQUE HALL DRESSER/ 150 EurosWHITE CAIN/GLASS UNITBOOKCASE/180 EurosWOOD DESK/120 EurosWOOD BOOKCASE / 277 EurosWALNUT DISLPAY UNIT/ 275 EurosPINE CORNER CABINET / 120 EurosWall unit €225Renaissance 1850s chair/500€